2024 Gateway Summer Crafters' Market
Shop quality handmade items and meet the Artisans!
Customers ~ FREE Admittance | FREE Parking.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
located in the shaded lots behind York's Visitor Center, 1 Stonewall Lane, York. (Exit 7 off I95, go to the traffic light at the Route 1 intersection and we are directly across the street.
Vendor Application
This is a rain or shine event.
Mission: The gateway Summer Crafters' Market shall exist for the purpose of providing a direct marketing outlet for craft artisans with an emphasis on consumers having an authentic experience meeting the producers face to face.
presented by: York Region Chamber of Commerce
FMI: please call 207-363-4422
Participating vendors
Art by Alexa
Art prints, stickers & decals
Cards Galore!
Quilts, doll quilts & pillows, pillow cases, hand towels, table runners, jewelry, cribbage & cutting boards, bird feeders
Creations by Thor
Handmade sculptures of animals
Flannagan's Fancy
Tapestry totes, purses, table runners, waste baskets, vests, etc.
Fiber Friends fiberfriends.net
Quality crochet dolls and animals for all ages
Flower Essence Soaps by Susan
Body and Hair Bar Soaps Infused With Flowers
Janie Bell Mosaics facebook.com/janiebellmosaics
Handcrafted mosaic items; trivets, coasters, trays, jewelry dishes, vases, garden pots, garden ornaments, candle holders
Meaghan & Mum Creative Designs
Resin Ocean Designs; coasters, magnets, bookmarks. Custom Rebound Novels, custom windows/mirrors with design added, Mandala design canvas bags, custom woods signs & wine cup
Nest Handmade http://nest-handmade.com
Bentwood boxes, baskets & trays, original block print art, journals and seed packets, hand-turned kraut tampers & rolling pins, knit dish cloths & scrubbers, beeswax candles, embroidered bookmarks, ornaments, wood buttons
O'Kema Kreations https://www.okemakreations.com
Earrings, key chains, water bottle diffusers, horse shoe art
Piper Kunst Art
Traditional artworks on various papers with various mediums including originals, art prints and post cards
Rocky Neck Designs rockyneckdesigns.com
Precious metal clay jewelry
Tidal Force Creations tidalforcecreations.com
Cork fabric/wool felt coasters with embroidered designs & wool felt can koozies with embroidered designs

Date and Time
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
August 11, 2024
10:00am - 3:00pm
York Region Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center
Event will be held in the outside lots.
1 Stonewall Lane
York, ME 03909
No gate fee. Free parking.
Contact Information
York Region Chamber of Commerce
Send Email